Main article: Millennium and Eternal State Related: The Eternal State; The Indignation ContentsIntroductionThe Administration of the MillenniumJudgment in the MillenniumSessional Judgment for the GentilesDivision of the Land of IsraelThe Millennial TempleRegional ChangesPolitical ChangesReligious ChangesThe Curse RemovedThe End of the World Introduction What is the Millennium? The Millennium is the term that refers to […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk Jethro and Israel’s Administration Exodus 18 Exodus 18. In this chapter we have a unique set of circumstances, and there is typical significance to it. In chapter 16 we have the manna, which speaks of Christ in incarnation; Christ come down to earth as a man (John 6). In chapter 17 we […]
What is the Millennium? The Millennium is the literal, undisputed, 1000-year-long reign of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the time when the glory of Christ will be displayed to this world. It is the time when Christ will take what rightfully belongs to Him. It is the “end goal” of the purpose and counsels of God. By the end of the millennium, every enemy will be put down and the kingdom delivered up to God (1 Cor. 15:24-28).
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk A Further Appeal to the Nation of Israel Acts 3 Acts 3. A little time had passed after the Day of Pentecost. At the feast Peter had preached to a great number of Hellenists visiting for the feast. Now many of the visitors had returned home, and the appeal in this chapter […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk Psalm 8 Christ as Son of Man, Set Over all Creation Psalm 8. The psalm is a psalm of David, most likely written after a time of quiet meditation in creation, as vv.3-9 suggests. It is also composed “upon Gittith”, meaning “winepress” (see also Psalms 81; 84). Some suggest “gittith” may be […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk Psalm 24 Jehovah of Hosts, the King of Glory Psalm 24. This is another Psalm of David, and it is one of the most dramatic and exciting Psalms in the Psalter. The suffering servant of Psalm 22, the Shepherd that cared for them in the path, is now shown to be Jehovah […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk Psalm 47 Israel Calls On the Nations to Praise God Psalm 47. This Psalm, also of the sons of Korah, gives us the invitation of restored Israel to the nations to praise God. This introduces us to the Millennium formally, as the Millennial name of God is used; “the Most High”. PSALM […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk Psalm 65 Israel Looking Forward to the Millennium Psalm 65. This is another Psalm of David, and it seems to express the sentiments of Israel looking forward to the Millennium, when “that the creature itself also shall be set free from the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk Psalm 67 God Praised in the Millennium by Israel and the Nations Psalm 67. This is a Psalm that was intended to be played “on stringed instruments”, and was likely written by David, although we cannot be sure. This Psalm gives us the expressions of restored Israel in the Millennium, as they […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk Psalm 72 The Millennial Glory of Christ as the Son of David Psalm 72. This is a Psalm of David, written, as the title states, “for Solomon”. This Psalm was written very near the end of David’s life; “The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended.” Historically, this Psalm was written […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk Psalm 92 The State of Righteousness That Will Exist In the Millennium Psalm 92. We are not told the name of the author of Psalm 92, but perhaps it was David, because of the reference to the instruments including the “harp” (v.3), of which David was so fond. The inscription for this […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk Psalm 93 The Glory of Jehovah, Reigning in Judgment Psalm 93. This is another orphan Psalm, without a title or attribution. Most likely David is the author, and the first words of v.1 serve as a title; Jehovah reigns. This Psalm expresses the glory of Jehovah reigning in the Millennium. PSALM […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk Psalm 100 Restored Israel Summons the Nations to Jerusalem to Praise Jehovah Psalm 100. This Psalm is titled “A Psalm of thanksgiving”, and it gives us the thanksgiving of restored Israel in the Millennium, calling on the nations to come up to Jerusalem to praise Jehovah! PSALM 100 A Psalm of thanksgiving. […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk Psalm 112 The Blessing of the Righteous in the Millennium Psalm 112. This Psalm describes the blessedness of the righteous in the Millennium. The chief characteristics of the upright are the fear of the Lord and kindness to the needy. The scope of this Psalm is limited to “the land”, i.e. those of […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk The Appearing Through the Eternal State: 8 Visions Revelation 19:11 – 21:8 Eight Visions. The book of Revelation picks back up with the chronological progression beginning at Rev. 19:11. The events are given to us in a series of visions where John says “I saw” (Rev. 19:11 – 21:8). These visions take us […]