Category Archives: Encyclopedia


Joshua. Joshua was a believer in the Old Testament known for his great faithfulness, courage, and leadership. Joshua a man of the tribe of Ephraim, best known as the successor to Moses as the leader of Israel. It was Joshua’s privilege to lead Israel over the Jordan river and into Canaan. He set the people […]


Related: Angels; Gabriel   Michael. Michael is one of the two great angels mentioned by name (the other is Gabriel, Daniel 8:15). He is the only angel called an “archangel” (Jude 9), and he is especially connected with the children of Israel, with their protection as a people, and their destiny as a nation (Daniel […]


Moses. Next to Abraham, Moses is perhaps the most important person among the people of Israel. His personal character, his unique relationship with Jehovah, his work in delivering Israel from Egypt and leading through the wilderness, and the five inspired books that he penned are all things that set Moses apart from every other Old […]


Daniel the Prophet. Daniel was a believer in the Old Testament known for his great faithfulness, prayer, wisdom, and courage. Daniel lived in a difficult time and a difficult environment for a believer. He was taken away from his home, in Judea, his parents, and most importantly, the geographical center of his faith; i.e. Jerusalem. […]


The Samaritans. The origin of the Samaritans is inseparably linked from the captivity of Israel, the ten northern tribes (2 Kings 17:7-41). Because the children of Israel had sinned, God cast them out of their land. They were taken captive by the king of Assyria and settled in various places, and they have not yet […]

Miracles of Jesus

Miracle Narrated Sum Matthew Mark Luke John A Blind and Dumb Demoniac 2 ch.12, v.22 – ch.11, v.14 – A Blind Man Cured (Bethsaida) 1 – ch.8, v.22 – – A Blind Man Cured (Jerusalem) 1 – – – ch.9, v.1 A Centurion’s Servant Healed 2 ch.8, v.5 – ch.7, v.1 – A Demoniac in […]

Parables of Jesus

Parable Recorded Sum Matthew Mark Luke John Building a Tower 1 – – ch.14, v.28 – Going to War 1 – – ch.14, v.31 – New Cloth on the Old Garment 3 ch.9, v.16 ch.2, v.21 ch.5, v.36 – New Wine in new, not old, Bottles 3 ch.9, v.17 ch.2, v.22 ch.5, v.37 – The […]


Apologetics. The Greek word for “answer” in 1 Peter 3:15 is apologia which means “verbal defense”, from which we get our English word “apologetics”. Apologetics is a branch of Christian theology that defends Christianity toward the world. As Peter shows us in his first epistle, every believer should be ready to give an explanation of […]

Christian Priesthood

Related: Office; Spiritual Gifts; Office, Gift, Priesthood   Christian Priesthood. The subject of the individual priesthood of the believer is generally found in the writings to Jewish believers (1 Pet. 2:5, 9; Heb. 10:19-22), but also mentioned in Rev. 1:6. The privileges that were granted to the family of Aaron under the law, and these […]


Related: Election, Foreknowledge, Corporate Election   Predestination. Predestination is the truth that believers in Christ were predetermined to a future position; to be in Christ’s place before God, and ultimately to be conformed to His image. Often people speak of begin predestinated to heaven, but in scripture predestination is always “to be conformed to the […]


Related: Predestination, Election, Corporate Election   Foreknowledge. Foreknowledge is the advanced knowledge by God of those whom He specially chosen for blessing, and it implies a unique and blessed relationship intended. Foreknowledge is closely connected with election, and it has to do with the sovereignty of God in the salvation of man. It is connected […]

Simon Peter

Simon Peter. There are several individuals in scripture whose lives are described in colorful detail: including Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, and Simon Peter. With each we see a wonderful example of faith, coupled with the shepherding care, discipline, and restoring grace of a loving God. Simon Peter is unique for several reasons, first because his […]


Salt. Salt is mentioned many times in scripture, and it has typical significance. We find that salt speaks of inward, unchanging holiness that has a gracious outflow and results in preservation. Up until the 20th century and before the invention of refrigeration, salt was used not only for seasoning (Job 6:6) but as a preservative. […]

The Tabernacle

Related: Egypt to Canaan   The Tabernacle. The tabernacle is one of the great Old Testament types, along with the type set forth in the overall journey of Israel from Egypt to Canaan. In order to understand the typical meaning of the tabernacle, we need to read the book of Hebrews, which gives us teaching […]

The Blood of Christ

Related: Cleansing or Washing   The Blood of Christ. Blood in scripture is always connected with death, because, as we read in Lev. 17:11, “the life of the flesh is in the blood”. Blood can sometimes be a symbol of death generally, usually as a judgment, of life being taken, like the river of Egypt […]


Related: Angels; Michael   Gabriel. Gabriel is one of the two great angels mentioned by name. Michael, the archangel, is especially connected with the children of Israel, their protection as a people, and their destiny as a nation (Daniel 10:21; Daniel 12:1). But then there is Gabriel who “stands before God”, who was described by […]

John Mark

Mark. Mark, or “John, whose surname was Mark”, as he is called in Acts 12:12; 12:25; 15:37, was a servant of Christ and a New Testament writer. When we first read of John Mark, we find that his mother, Mary, opened her home up for a prayer meeting. Later in the same chapter, we find […]


Crowns. There are two words in the New Testament translated crown; one is ‘wreath’ or ‘crown’, the other is ‘diadem’. Crowns are rewards for service and accomplishments. Diadems are worn by right and title, as by royal birth. The word is ‘wreath’ used in Matthew 27:29 is the same word used in Hebrews 2:9. Man […]

The Apostasy of the Christian Profession

Related: Last Days   The Apostasy of the Christian Profession. The New Testament foretells the sad breakdown and apostasy, or “falling away” of the Christian profession. In fact, all the New Testament writers universally agree in their prediction of this sad situation.1 It may be helpful to see that this apostasy occurs in phases, whereby […]