1 John 2:12-28
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk Divine Provisions for the Time of Jesus’ Absence John 16 John 16. Having just spoken of the characteristics of the world, and the believer’s portion in it (John 15:18-27), the Lord gives the disciples five things that would help them, and encourage their hearts during His absence. First, we have knowledge of […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk The Formation of the Church & the Apostles’ Preaching to Israel Acts 1 – 7 Acts 1 – 7. The first seven chapters of Acts are of an especially transitional character. It can be hard for us in the twenty-first century to understand the position of the believers in the first century. […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk The Day of Pentecost: The Promise of the Spirit Fulfilled Acts 2 Acts 2. In ch.1 we have a glorified man seated in heaven at God’s right hand. In ch.2 we have the Holy Spirit sent down. These two events are closely linked. The sending of the Holy Spirit was consequent on […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk The Woman at the Well: Satisfaction, Worship and Service John 4 ContentsJesus Makes Room for John in Judea (4:1-3)The Woman at the Well: Christian Satisfaction and Worship (4:4-30)Service to the Father’s Will & It’s Connection with Satisfaction (4:31-38)“Two Days” in Samaria: The Period of Gentile Blessing (4:39-42)A Third Day in Cana […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk Feast of Tabernacles: Jesus as the Perfect Servant vs. Worldly Glory John 7 John 6 vs. John 7. In John 6 we had the Son of Man as the life of the world in two aspects; His incarnation and His atoning death. Now in John 7 we get the truths connected with His going […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk Christian Liberty and Its Corresponding Responsibility 1 Corinthians 6:12 – 11:1 Christian liberty is an important subject in the New Testament. The basic principle is this: the Christian has been set completely free from every kind of bondage in order to do the will of God. The believer has been set free from the […]
Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk Comfort for the Disciples in view of Jesus’ Absence John 14 John 14. In chapter 13 Jesus had spoken of His death and the glory it would bring to God, and how God would straightway glorify Him in response. He said He was going away and the disciples could not follow Him […]